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Welcome Wanderer

If you reading this book I believe somewhere inside of you there is a feeling of longing to know yourself on a deeper level. I get it, I really do. This resonates with me because I was this troubled man.

I wasnít clear about what I wanted in life or from life. I have to admit it was heartbreaking. The seemingly never-ending struggles, failure after failure, pain after pain because of the unclarity and lack of direction. I was wandering. Clarity is the key to unlocking the next door but it wonít make you step over the threshold.

The man who wanders without purpose, who doesnít give time and space to the longing within himself, who canít nd the courage to be bold and take responsibility for his life is truly lost.

Man must lead his life with a belief that he himself must discover more meaning and purpose in his life. No one else will or even can do this for him. Itís his duty to align with and embody his essential creative Self. If he doesnít do this heíll perish without purpose.

Heíll die with his song still in him.

This is why I created Wandered.Man.Breakthrough.

To give you a broad practical understanding and experience of this transformational program I wrote this simple 9-step mini-manual.


Welcome Wanderer

If you reading this book I believe somewhere inside of you there is a feeling of longing to know yourself on a deeper level. I get it, I really do. This resonates with me because I was this troubled man.

I wasnít clear about what I wanted in life or from life. I have to admit it was heartbreaking. The seemingly never-ending struggles, failure after failure, pain after pain because of the unclarity and lack of direction. I was wandering. Clarity is the key to unlocking the next door but it wonít make you step over the threshold.

The man who wanders without purpose, who doesnít give time and space to the longing within himself, who canít nd the courage to be bold and take responsibility for his life is truly lost.

Man must lead his life with a belief that he himself must discover more meaning and purpose in his life. No one else will or even can do this for him. Itís his duty to align with and embody his essential creative Self. If he doesnít do this heíll perish without purpose.

Heíll die with his song still in him.

This is why I created Wandered.Man.Breakthrough.

To give you a broad practical understanding and experience of this transformational program I wrote this simple 9-step mini-manual.

Welcome Wanderer

If you reading this book I believe somewhere inside of you there is a feeling of longing to know yourself on a deeper level. I get it, I really do. This resonates with me because I was this troubled man.

I wasnít clear about what I wanted in life or from life. I have to admit it was heartbreaking. The seemingly never-ending struggles, failure after failure, pain after pain because of the unclarity and lack of direction. I was wandering. Clarity is the key to unlocking the next door but it wonít make you step over the threshold.

The man who wanders without purpose, who doesnít give time and space to the longing within himself, who canít nd the courage to be bold and take responsibility for his life is truly lost.

Man must lead his life with a belief that he himself must discover more meaning and purpose in his life. No one else will or even can do this for him. Itís his duty to align with and embody his essential creative Self. If he doesnít do this heíll perish without purpose.

Heíll die with his song still in him.

This is why I created Wandered.Man.Breakthrough.

To give you a broad practical understanding and experience of this transformational program I wrote this simple 9-step mini-manual.

‘Lukasz is a seer. He can just tell when something’s is off or on in you.’

When Iím out of alignment. Rather than tell me whatís going on, heís able to masterfully create the space for you to feel into the resistance, and thereís always some resistance, hiding, unfelt, in the background, and acquire the necessary self-knowledge to realign, again.

To refocus, to get back on track, on purpose.

Showing up the way I want and need to in my world, work, business, life, and relationships.


‘I trust Lukasz to create a safe space to let go.’

I have had the blessing of being in spaces Lukasz has facilitated both large and intimate. Every time I have been deeply touched, inspired, and uplifted by his presence and capacity to hold the space with the sensitivity and attunement to guide experiences that allow every participant to receive exactly what they need.

Whether that be through movement and somatic activation or a gentle inquiry in the stillness that opens up to usher in yet more insight. I fully trust Lukasz to create a space that is safe to let go in while bringing an incisiveness that unfolds deeper explorations.


‘He has a skill innate to the core of his being.’

Lukasz is a very old soul who brings the energy of numerology number 5.

Fives usher in change. He has a skill thatís innate to the core of his being that anchors you rmly to your desires then spurs you to take denitive action, with compassion.

Lukasz helped instigated my journey and accompanied me on the ëshaking things up insideí process encouraged me to move out and stay out of my comfort zone.

His mission is to instil clarity, certainty, and condence in you, and humanity to align yourself with whatever you need to do to become fully embodied and on purpose.

Without Lukasz, I would still be hiding away in my closet. Thank you for your presence in my life.