Embrace the moment.
Activate your desire.
Meet the challenge.
Become a leader.
Keep rising up.


Wake up to your potential to generate a positive impact.

Work to discover who you are yearning to become.

Warrior up and get to know purpose intimately.

Walk tall with presence, passion, and play.

Wander no more yet know way more.



 Rise up and activate your desired results creating win-win solutions for all.

The container is the boat where we bring our untold stories to be shared and washed away by waves of support of the brotherhood and sacred circle space.

Consciousness is pure awareness and can be cultivated with practice. From a leadership perspective, consciousness is more than being aware of the daily problems, opportunities, challenges, and actions on your ‘to-do’ list.

I see how even the most successful leaders keep themselves from stepping into who they most want to become. They have achieved so much, yet there is a hidden barrier that keeps them from having fulfillment and joy in their work, life, and relationships.

My work with leaders intentionally shifts them from losing their enjoyment of life while supposedly winning the game of life, to breaking free and owning their Genius Leadership of purpose and passion that awakens their clear vision.

  • Do you find yourself getting things done just for the sake of it?

  • How would it feel if you could accomplish things with less stress and more joy?

  • And what of feeling more fulfilled and engaged with the rest of your life?

  • Are you ready to accomplish something more meaningful with your time?

  • Is it important to you to know how to truly create the results you want?

Imagine living your life satisfied that you have achieved the bottom-line results you’ve always wanted. Imagine communicating more effectively. Making impeccable agreements. Shifting relationship dynamics out of drama. Putting an end to wasting time. Have more energy, while creating new approaches and win-for-all solutions.


‘If you don’t know what makes you tick, Lukasz will help you find out what does.’

Scott Avery Founder, Releasing Resentment Coaching

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⚠️ Awoken Your Purpose Breakthrough ⚠️

4-Week Group Program • Starts August 12th 2024


Here’s how it works.

Get started in just 3 simple steps.

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Schedule Call

Book a call free of charge where we will discover where you’re at and see if you are a good fit for our program

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Complete Application

After you book a call, I would want to hear your story and know more about you so I can serve you better.

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Start Journey

Confident we can work together to solve your problem we can start creating conscious change.


‘The most healing, inspiring, and eye-opening session…’

Chloelle Bond CEO Sacrè LC • Healing High-Achiever Codependency


Here’s what you’ll walk away with.

Choose No Limits 4-Week Leadership Breakthrough Accelerator

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One-To-One Video Calls 8 Regular video call sessions every week to guide you through the entire transformation curriculum.

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4 Weeks Commitment

The program is 4 weeks long, taking you through all of the steps, tools, and modules you need to become a conscious creator of your life and relationships.

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Home Work

Practical and experimental homework assignments will be issued each session that will maximize your progress and get you thinking, feeling, and creating massive momentum.

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An illustrated PDF manual with relevant videos with instructional content sections and information you will need to work through all modules successfully.

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Recording Archive

Archived recordings of your sessions accessible to you on-demand so you can go back and review any sections you want to spend extra time on.

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The program instructional content and experiential practice continually evolve as new therapeutic ideas, concepts, and techniques are added.

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No Shortcuts

I work with you step-by-step until you have completely finished the final step in the breakthrough process.

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Group Learning

Audio from past group sessions so you can learn from past students and their transformative experiences.

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Future Success

A comprehensive closing one-to-one call to celebrate your transformation and plan for your ongoing success!


Program Curriculum

Choose No Limits 4-Week Awoken.Breakthrough Accelerator

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Together we will lay down a solid foundation for the entire program. A firm base to hold your unique creative core centre-aligned and solid. This will pave the way for deeper self-knowledge and understanding and challenge your comfort zone.

  • Build a strong solid foundation

  • Resource validation from inner authority

  • Stay connected to your creative core centre

  • Recognise and flex your comfort zone

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Where your attention goes energy flows. Clarity is the golden key to whatever we want to bring into our lives. Living from a clear intention is the warrior's way to achieving any goal. Seeing your own limitations from reaching the best result we desire.

  • Bring more clarity to your vision

  • Stay connected with your intention

  • Rituals and practices to bring discipline to your life

  • See your limitations and break free from your old self

  • Build a new uninhibited identity


An emotionally mature man is a healthy man. He is driven by purpose and his presence is penetrating with a compassionate heart. Living from your masculine core is the doorway to full acceptance and embodiment. Master your anger to your advantage.

  • Recognise and access your masculine core

  • Practices for becoming a grounded heart man

  • Navigating the archetypes running your life

  • Build rock-solid confidence in all your relationships

  • Healthily harness anger to catalyse transformation

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We’re all in a relationship with one another. Bring more fire, presence, and passion into your bed. Create deeper intimacy and connection with your partner.

  • Learning tools for a lasting relationship

  • Sense of appreciation

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Sexuality is where we meet the deepest part of our self as well as the scariest parts. Mastering your sexual energy will magnetise your relationships and power the manifestation of your vision with passion.

  • Bring more pleasure into your sex life

  • Revitalise your creativity

  • Build your relationship container and welcome your love

  • Recognise, harness, and deploy your sexual energy

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The basic purpose of life is healthy. We need to re-connect with our animal bodies and bring moments that support emotional freedom, joy, and happiness.

  • Channel more energy in your body instead of blowing it

  • Bring more life and vitality to your body

  • Breathwork practices for deeper healing and relaxation

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Tapping into your genius zone will create more flow and focus in your life. The pursuits that make you excited and passionate in your life will become more effortless.

  • Build more momentum in your life

  • Recognise your innate element

  • Trusting your inner voice

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Making friends with fear is a skill. This is the approach and attitude of a warrior. We all experience fear of the future and failure. How we react to it is what matters.

  • Learn a range of Fear Melters

  • Embrace the worrier light

  • Break free from fearing the fear itself

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Possessing a sense of ownership is the fruit of all our actions and the inner work we will undertake during the program and beyond. To close we will integrate all parts of ourselves for a more graded heart.

  • Embrace the new leader version of yourself

  • Bring forth what you learn during the program

  • Live with more purpose and a clear vision

  • Own your wild nature and share with the world


‘Lukasz is a seer. He can just tell when something’s off.’

When I’m out of alignment. Rather than tell me what’s going on, he’s able to masterfully create the space for you to feel into the resistance, and there’s always some resistance, hiding, unfelt, in the background, and acquire the necessary self-knowledge to realign, again. To refocus, to get back on track, on purpose. Showing up the way I want and need to in my world, work, business, life, and relationships.

Richard Conner Founder, Transformerpreneur and Flowcastic


Do you want Lukasz to help you generate these amazing outcomes in 9 weeks and finally get the results you deserve?

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‘I fully trust Lukasz to create a safe space to let go in.’

I have had the blessing of being in spaces Lukasz has facilitated both large and intimate. Every time I have been deeply touched, inspired, and uplifted by his presence and capacity to hold the space with the sensitivity and attunement to guide experiences that allow every participant to receive exactly what they need. Whether that be through movement and somatic activation or a gentle inquiry in the stillness that opens up to usher in yet more insight. I fully trust Lukasz to create a space that is safe to let go in while bringing an incisiveness that unfolds deeper explorations.

Leiven Hwang Founder, hch International planning, design, building, space


Do you want Lukasz to help you generate these amazing outcomes in 9 weeks and finally get the results you deserve?


WanderedMan is built on a richly diverse foundational circle of mentors, visionary leaders, and inspirational storytellers. Each has undergone its very own ‘dark night of the soul’ and now carries embodied pearls of ancient wisdom and knowledge close to heart and mind.

Having overcome countless real-life coming-of-age trials and tribulations like a keen blade, all wield proven hard-won real-world practical skills to awaken you to your soul purpose.

Our mission is simple.

Create sacred spaces for the self-limiting untold dark tales of the wandering man hiding in all of us to meet the light. Together we will usher in the new liberating stories that will initiate you into becoming the masterful life leader you know you can and want to be.


Transformational Pillars


Connection, Vision, Purpose, and Leadership Deep Dives


‘Eventually, you get sick and tired of being sick and tired of repeating the same mistakes. That's the opening we will prepare you to take advantage of when the time comes. Oh, and it does come, normally when you’re least expecting it.’

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Our heart is a place from which we are going to meet and experience most of our connections. The grounded heart will always feel its purpose and belonging. Nothing will stop the courageous soul from its innate truth.

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Your values, strengths, and weakness are the fuels to ignite your spirit into an unquestioned purpose you came here to serve. Activating your passion for life by stepping into who you are needing to become the artist of your life.

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Our reason will be defined by a clear vision and intentions to become the source of your hights calling. Your gifts are the magnet for what is the universe awaiting you to bring forth. Perishing is not an option.

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Being a human is a necessity to create the life you desire. it's our responsibility to check ourselves and give permission to choose at the moment the best behavior that will sever you and your people with love and integrity.

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‘He has a skill that’s innate to the core of his being.’

Lukasz is a very old soul who brings the energy of numerology number 5.
Fives usher in change. He has a skill that’s innate to the core of his being that anchors you firmly to your desires then spurs you to take definitive action, with compassion.

Lukasz helped instigated my journey and accompanied me on the ‘shaking things up inside’ process encouraged me to move out and stay out of my comfort zone.

His mission is to instil clarity, certainty, and confidence in you, and humanity to align yourself with whatever you need to do to become fully embodied and on purpose.
Without Lukasz, I would still be hiding away in my closet.

Thank you for your presence in my life.

Nancy Barrette Satya Founder Satya Shamanic Healing


Do you want Lukasz to help you generate these amazing outcomes in 9 weeks and finally get the results you deserve?



How to make big changes without fear

How to not let fear stop you from fully expressing yourself

Learn the difference between what you can control and what you cannot

Work to improve the relationships with those you still hold resentment for

Gain the confidence to be clear and stand up for yourself in ALL situations

Lead and teach your friends and family how to get through a crisis

Improved well-being and appreciation of self and others

Much greater confidence in romantic relationships

Empower yourself and others to take control of life

Get your well-being from inside yourself

Identify where your value comes from

Stop feeling like a victim

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Identify, idealise, and implement your latent vision.

Lukasz Kruk is the founder of the Wandered. Man. Community. His passion for traditional bodywork, natural elemental medicine, transformational coaching, and deep men's work inspired him to carve out sacred dedicated space and time. Where wandering men connect to receive the needed integral support to move forward with presence, clarity, direction, and focus.

He is a practitioner and instructor of Water Therapy, Yoga, QI Gong, Thai Massage, embodied movement, and visionary leadership techniques.

Lukasz develops and leads men’s circles and groups all around the world. He teaches self-leadership workshops and practical training designed to guide the proverbial wandering man step-by-step, back to his true home; the heartfelt mission, purpose, and soul-vision-led life he’s been yearning for.

Choosing the Warrior’s Way he’s no longer wandering but is WanderedMan

Lukasz works closely with clients 1-2-1 to develop their individual and unique approach to finding purpose and identifying and overcoming resistance to designing, planning, implementing, and realizing their latent vision.


I am committed to leading you through this transformation breakthrough process.’


Sometimes, even if you don’t feel ready you will be challenged by this intense process.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that you’ll be able to create a new future for yourself.

Approach this program with an open heart and willingness to confront your past and present honestly, and you will find the strength and power to make significant changes in your life.


‘I guarantee if after our first session you don't feel this program is a good fit, you’ll get 100% of your money back. No questions asked and no hard feelings.’ Lukasz


Are You Ready?


Best time to plant a tree?

40 years ago.

The second best time is today.

Now is the moment to take the next steps.

Don’t wait any longer. Start making your dreams your reality.

Stop postponing what you love by continuing to do what you hate.

The fact that you have read this far tells me that you are more than ready.

Make the move away from a life of life-draining drudgery and misery.

You might have white-knuckled it to get this far. Trying to do it all yourself.

Realizing you need help to overcome this tendency is courageous.

Now, it’s about time to take action and finally end your suffering.

This is an intensive process. At times it will be challenging.

Through it, you’ll create a brighter more enjoyable future.

Space remains very limited.

Don’t wait.

Click below to apply.





What makes you qualified to lead me through this process?

I was hand-picked by one of my two mentors who paved the way for my path.

They took me under their wings and led me towards a clearer more empowered vision of what a man with a purpose and mission looks, sounds, and feels like.

As an experienced bodyworker and trained Therapist, I feel fortunate to be able to develop enough sensitivity to guide you through the somatic and experiential process of breakthrough transformation.

I have received direct training, coaching, guidance, and ongoing mentorship during my 2-year apprenticeship program. Now I coach and train men to become conscious leaders who serve their communities by leading their lives with purpose, and vision.

How do I know it’s going to work for me?

During our first video call, I will take a look at your situation to see if this process is right for you. We don’t accept everyone who applies; people need to be ready for the big transformation and be able to take accountability.

What if I’m not sure who my resentment is for?

Once we start the program we will work on helping you get more clarity around your leadership style and purpose. If you’re not sure, ask yourself who is having the most impact on me right now.

How long will it take for me to become a conscious leader?

We teach you concrete tools during the program that will help you accelerate your growth and level up your life experience. The time it takes for a complete transformation will vary with the individual. However, you will have the tools needed to nurture the process even if it takes longer to fully manifest itself in your life.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes, we have payment plan options. Please ask me during our call.